Luis Angulo has just completed a month residency in the Spratx Ignite Program (learn more here) and we took some time to sit down and learn about his experience in the Ignite Studio and behind the scenes updates on his newest body of work. Check it out below!
“Born in Caracas, Venezuela, I have been an Austin resident for ten years. Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, my family and I immigrated to the USA when I was 11 years old. I didn’t know a word of English and fitting in was difficult at first. Twenty something years later I now explore my identity as a Venezuelan living in the US through my art. Politics, social issues and pop culture all appear off and on throughout my work. Murals are a fantastic way to create art that can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone. It doesn’t have to hang in a gallery, you don’t have to go to an art opening to enjoy it. It is out there for all to see, no matter what color your skin is or how much money you have in the bank. It is art for the masses.” — Luis Angulo

Photo by: Nick Berard
Spratx: Introduce yourself and share a little about your path as an artist.
Uloang: I am a Venezuelan born muralist/street artist based out of Austin, TX. I started making art at an early age as most kids do, but I continued to do so as I got older and regularly took art classes. I classify my art as Post-Modern which really just a lazy and snobby way of saying it’s a mash of a lot of things.
Spratx: Talk about the new body of work you’re currently working on.
Uloang: I am using my time in the
Spratx Ignite Studio to develop more personal work. I spend a lot of time doing commissioned murals which are not always 100% self-expression. This leaves me with very little time to develop myself as an artist. So for the month of December I am designing two large triple wall murals to paint at
Hope Outdoor Gallery. The culmination of this process will be seen at the solo show we are putting together for January or February. There you will be able to see my journey, from sketches, to study paintings and to the finished murals at Hope.
Spratx: What are the details of the pop-up show you’re having at Spratx in February 2018?
Uloang: As of now, my pop-up show will consist of showing of all of the work, research, sketches and studies that will culminate in the finished murals at Hope.
Spratx: Who are your favorite artists? How have they helped shape your style?
Spratx: Share why you love Austin, TX and how it’s influenced your art.
Uloang: Austin likes to be quirky, and one way to be so is to have a mural on the side of your business. A few years ago I noticed that several artists in town were busy with mural commissions so I decided to try and enter the market. It’s amazing how people here embrace art, especially street art. It’s a way to “Keep Austin Weird” and businesses recognize the value of it. The artist community itself is warm and friendly and it is like one big family. There is really good artistic energy here and while the scene still feels young, there is a lot of talent and potential here in Austin.

Uloang: A few months ago
Spratx posted on Instagram that they had an open call for this new program. It was exactly what I was looking for so I applied and crossed my fingers for two months until I finally heard back. So far I am two weeks in and I am absolutely loving it. I did not realize how valuable it is to have a dedicated art space outside of your home. My productivity has gone way up and I am exploring new territory with my art. Knowing that I have to be ready for a show next month also helps put on the pressure to try and produce as much as I can. I feel this is the start of a fantastic program that can help groom and mentor local artists that have a lot of potential but that need that extra boost to get there.
Spratx: If you could tell the world one thing, what would it be?
Uloang: Follow your passion but follow it passionately. Nothing comes easy, nothing is free, you have to work for it and earn it, whatever it may be.