SprATX Ignite™ Program
SprATX Ignite™ serves as a newly created platform to equip selected artists with the support and tools necessary to kindle their art careers to new levels. It is our continued mission to help sustain and evolve alongside the Austin art scene and SprATX Ignite™ is an expression of that conviction. SprATX Ignite™ Program is a Fiscally Sponsored project of the Austin Community Foundation. All donations are tax deductible to the amount allowed by law. Please consider contributing to help the artists in our program thrive in their residency.
Benefits selected artists will receive include but are not limited to:
- Access to dedicated studio space
- Mentoring on pricing your artwork
- A crash course in the basics of the business of art
- Learn how to protect your art and your interests
- Contract and client agreement templates
- Social media promotion and education
- Process video production and education
- A featured interview on the SprATX blog
- Access to discounted art supplies
- Hands-on guided session in the SprATX workshop
- Lessons on how to digitize your artwork
- A mural production boot camp
- Lessons on how to put together a professional bid and/or proposal
- SprATX-hosted live streaming channel
- SprATX-hosted quarterly art showcase
- SprATX contract work opportunity review
Please submit a one page essay (500-1000 words), describing why you would benefit from the SprATX Ignite™ Program. Do NOT include visual examples or images of your work. Submissions with images will be disqualified. All essays can be emailed to: Ignite@spratx.com with “Submission” in the subject line. We currently have residency availability for April through December, submit your application today! Please note, our residencies are an intensive one month long program in Austin and we expect the selected artist to dedicate the majority of that month to their body of work.
If you would like to make a contribution by check or money orders can be made payable to the Austin Community Foundation, Memo: SprATX Ignite Program. If you would like to make an online donation, please use the form to the right.
Please mail payments to:
SprATX Ignite
PO Box 42187
Austin, TX 78704

© 2013-2024 SPRATX ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Website Made in Texas by Soula Creative.